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In the confines of the world ocean country deploys natural attractions of immeasurable beauty, which added to the Maori cultural heritage, invite travelers to immerse themselves in a destination where myths and legends become the true protagonists.


Maori legend has it that the demigod Maui authored numerous magical feats. It was he who captured the sun in a network to make travel more slowly and thus make the day last longer. One afternoon, the brothers of Maui went fishing.



They planned to travel alone but Maui hid in the boat and sailed with them; wearing a magical hook jaw made ​​with her ​​grandmother. When the brothers found them, they were very angry. They did not give bait to fish, so Maui used blood from his nose. He baited the hook and threw it into the ocean, the blue waters and took a huge fish, "Te Ika a Maui '(the fish of Maui) or the North Island of New Zealand.



At that time, the canoe became the South Island, and later, when the brothers cut the fish of Maui with their knives, rivers and mountains of the island is formed.

Even today, looking towards the coast, the New Zealanders remember the magical journey and how Maui fished the country from the depths of the sea.



Maori legends and myths remain. And in each of its corners, every lake, river and mountain are related in some way to the history of the first inhabitants of this country, which has everything you need to enchant its visitors.



Then & Now

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